Health Management


Marubeni Seafoods Health Declaration

As a member of the Marubeni Group, Marubeni Seafoods regards its employees as irreplaceable assets. We regard the maintenance and promotion of the physical and mental health of our employees and their families as an important management issue, and promote the creation of an environment in which each and every employee can work with peace of mind.

Furthermore, with the mission of “By connecting the production sites and consumers, we color the ‘future of food’ in this country in a healthy way,” we will contribute to people's health by connecting the appeal of marine products, which are healthy food and healthy ingredients, to the next generation.

Health Management Strategy Map

To realize our health declaration, we will manage the progress of our health management by utilizing various specific indicators established in our strategic map.


Marubeni Seafoods Health Management Promotion System

We have established the “Marubeni Seafoods Health Management Promotion System,” headed by the executive officer of the Corporate Division, and are working on health management. 


1. Health Care and Prevention Initiatives

Human health checkups Physical examinations are conducted for employees 35 years of age and older as part of their regular health checkups. Dependents are also included.
Brain checkups Brain checkups are offered to employees who are turning 50, 55, and 60 years old.
Cancer screening Breast cancer screening (women over 25), uterine cancer screening (women over 20), prostate cancer screening (men over 45)
Influenza Vaccination Subsidy We subsidize immunization immunizations; from FY2021, the scope of coverage will be expanded to include dependents.
Measles and rubella vaccination subsidy Cost assistance for vaccinations.

2. Other Initiatives

Publication of health insurance newsletters We issue a bulletin from a health insurance association that provides information on the health insurance system, medical costs, and other health-related issues.
Sports club assistance Access to the “Renaissance” sports club with corporate member privileges.
Implementation of walking tournaments Walking event for insured people of a health insurance association.
Mediation of home medicine Mediation for disease prevention at a lower price than the market price (paid).
Health Consultation Chat Service We provide “Clintal” service, a chat-style health consultation and hospital referral service.
AED installation an AED is installed at the head office.
In recognition of these efforts, the company was recognized as one of the “Excellent Health Management Corporations 2024 (Large Corporation Category)” under the Certification System for Excellent Health Management Corporations promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council.
The Certification System for Excellent Health Management Corporations was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in FY2016 with the aim of creating an environment in which corporations, including large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises, that practice particularly excellent health management can be evaluated by employees, job applicants, related companies and financial institutions by making them visible.
Based on the evaluation criteria established by the Health Investment Working Group of the Council for New Health and Medical Care Industry (jointly organized by the 100,000 Companies for Health Management and Health Declaration Working Group of the Japan Health Council), the Japan Health Council will certify “Excellent Corporations for Health Management”. The corporations certified as “Excellent Corporations for Health Management 2024” have been determined! (METI/Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)


1. Stress check and brain scan results

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Stress Check Inspection Rate






Brain Screening Assistance Program Receipt Rate







Marubeni Seafoods Corporation
Shibaura Square Building 5F, 4-9-25 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
TEL: 03-3769-0031