Commercial Distribution and logistics system

We have established an uncompromising commercial and logistics system from production sites worldwide to delivery to your dining table.

We have established various logistics systems centered on Benirei Logistics, which owns four refrigerated warehouses throughout Japan. These systems deliver marine products from around the world to customers in a tasty, safe, and fresh manner.
Our strength is the consistent temperature control and 365-day delivery system from production sites worldwide to your dining table.

Furthermore, to protect the earth's and oceans' future, Benirei Logistics is promoting the switch from CFC gas to natural refrigerants (CO2) in its refrigerated warehouses.

Flow of commercial and logistics systems

Flow of commercial and logistics systems

Marubeni Seafoods Corporation
Shibaura Square Building 5F, 4-9-25 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
TEL: 03-3769-0031