Product Development

We create “common sense of the future” without being bound by common sense.

Marubeni Seafoods is taking an original approach to creating new products and businesses by thinking freely and without being bound by the “common sense” of the Marine products industry.

Product development is not about “making this product” but uncovering buried information and good things and creating “new value.” We will develop by setting and meeting our goals daily, always remembering to balance the consumer's and producer's perspectives.

We connect disparate information to create outlines.

Outside the company, in different industries and cultures, the first step is to be interested in everything. Using our antennas daily, we transmit information from what we catch, connect the information held by each department, and move on to the next step.
In particular, the commercialization of underutilized fish and underutilized parts and the development of products for overseas markets and health-conscious consumers will be one of the axes of our future activities, which we intend to tackle beyond the boundaries of each department.

Marubeni Seafoods Corporation
Shibaura Square Building 5F, 4-9-25 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
TEL: 03-3769-0031