New Initiatives

Closed Recirculating Aquacultured Salmon: Proximar Ltd.

The Marubeni Group has concluded an exclusive sales agreement with Proximar Ltd. to produce Atlantic salmon using a closed Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) in Oyama-machi, Shizuoka Prefecture. Under this agreement, Marubeni will be responsible for marketing the Atlantic salmon produced by the project to the domestic market.
RAS enables the production of high-quality Atlantic salmon in a closed environment and is attracting worldwide attention as an environmentally friendly aquaculture technology.
Proximar expects to produce 2,500 tons in 2024, the first year of production, and plans to increase production to 5,300 tons in 2027, after which it plans to expand the plant and increase production.
We are committed to bringing this sustainable and delicious Atlantic salmon to your table.

Japanese-made Oyster Fry: Ocean Point Company

Ocean Point Company, an oyster processing and sales company, opened a new oyster processing plant in June 2023 and began producing oyster fries in July of the same year.
Hiroshima Prefecture is a central oyster-producing area, and the project to build a new oyster processing plant with state-of-the-art facilities in the region will contribute to regional development and the development of the fishing industry. As a result, in October 2022, we entered a business alliance with Ocean Point to produce and sell frozen oyster fries.
Ocean Point's oyster fry production capacity is 600 tons per year at full capacity, and the company plans to expand the production line to increase this capacity to 1,200 tons in the future.
We will deliver safe, secure, and delicious Japanese oyster fries produced in state-of-the-art facilities throughout Japan.

Marubeni Seafoods Corporation
Shibaura Square Building 5F, 4-9-25 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
TEL: 03-3769-0031