2. Proposal and supply of products of value to consumers, the environment, and society

Proposal and supply of sustainable products that are safe,
secure, and considerate of the environment and society

As a seafood wholesaler, we can propose and supply the world with products that are valuable to consumers, the environment, and society.
To this end, we are working on the following.

Initiatives leading to “Safety and Security” and “Quality Control”

Quality control system

Quality Control Manual
We have established a “Quality Control Manual,” which sets forth our basic policy on quality control and the items that must be observed. We also hold regular study sessions to raise the awareness and knowledge of each and every employee, and post the manual on the company intranet so that it can be checked at any time.

Conduct factory inspections
After checking the products we handle against our management standards, we conduct preliminary inspections and production visits when hiring a processing plant to confirm that the products can be manufactured to the specifications we require.

Conduct quality control study sessions
The Quality Control Office takes the lead in holding study sessions on food labeling, food safety, and related laws and regulations to improve each employee's awareness and knowledge of food compliance.

Marubeni Seafoods QC Cooperative Association

In 2007, we established the “Marubeni Seafoods QC Cooperative Association” with the aim of creating a system to supply safe and secure products by calling on manufacturers who are our major customers.
It aims to prevent food-related accidents and improve quality control techniques at member companies, and to contribute to mutual development and performance improvement through cooperation among member companies. Activities include holding information exchange meetings, checking and consulting with member companies on their processing lines, and providing information on quality control/hosting lectures and training sessions.

Establishment of a recycling-oriented food supply chain and reduction of waste, and product development centered on the environment and health

Product Development

Building a Circular Food Supply Chain and Reducing Waste.

Commercialization of unused fish/parts (bones, shells, entrails, scales)
We are working with research institutions to make waste parts edible.
We are also seeking to collaborate with frozen food processing manufacturers in their new upcycling* business to provide unused fish/parts, difficult-to-distribute fish, and exterminated fish, and to commercialize discarded parts generated by our business.

 Upgrading discarded or unwanted items that should have been thrown away to new products

Use of environmentally friendly packaging materials.

Switching to environmentally friendly materials
We are working to switch to FSC-certified materials and plastic-reducing materials not only for newly developed products but also for existing products.

Health (allergy and gluten-free friendly).

Development of allergy-friendly products
We are developing wheat-free fried products for wheat allergy sufferers and consumers who wish to go gluten-free.

Environmental and Social Materiality

  • 1. We preserve the richness of the sea.

    We help to protect the richness of the sea by promoting the handling of certified products.


  • 2. We propose and supply products of value to consumers, the environment, and society.

    We develop products that meet the needs of sustainability and health, in addition to quality control that leads to safety and security.


  • 3. Initiative to reduce environmental impact

    Switching from CFC refrigerant to natural refrigerant refrigeration.
    Use of environmentally friendly packaging materials.


Marubeni Seafoods Corporation
Shibaura Square Building 5F, 4-9-25 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
TEL: 03-3769-0031