Delivering deliciousness from around
the world to tables all over Japan

Salmon and Trout

Because of the trust that has been cultivated over the years, Marubeni Seafoods is able to negotiate directly with producers around the world. In addition to pursuing taste and quality, we are also committed to protecting the marine environment so that we can continue to provide a stable supply while meeting diverse needs.

Marubeni Seafoods' strength is the trust it has earned through its long track record and its ability to negotiate and purchase directly with producers.
The Marubeni Seafoods Group is also responsible for the entire process from purchasing to sales, importing raw materials purchased from producers around the world and processing them at partner factories in Japan and overseas.

Salmon and trout are consumed throughout the country, and the value of domestic purchases of salmon and trout is the largest share of any seafood product in the country.
In the past, salmon was most commonly served “grilled with salt,” but in recent years, the way of eating salmon has become more diverse, with sashimi consumption increasing and meuniere and herb-roasted fish becoming more common. Furthermore, new demands continue to emerge, such as the growing need for boneless fish in the childcare, medical, and nursing care industries.

Marubeni Seafoods' goal is not only to meet diverse needs, but also to contribute to sustainability.
As part of our initiatives toward sustainability (SDGs), we are also involved in the first large-scale land-based aquaculture in Japan, with the goal of shipping by the end of 2024.

We are committed to providing a stable supply that will satisfy a wide range of consumers.

Fish Roe

Fish roe adds a touch of glamour to the dining table. Every year, we send technicians to various production areas in Alaska and Norway, and our cultivated know-how allows us to produce fish roe of the highest quality.

Every year, we send our technicians to Alaska and Norway to select raw materials. We are committed to high-quality manufacturing by processing raw materials carefully selected by professionals at our partner factories in Hokkaido and Sanriku in Japan.
To maintain and improve quality, raw materials are certified for international environmental protection certifications such as MSC/ASC/Global G.A.P., and products are manufactured in factories that have acquired certifications essential for food safety including HACCP and ISO 22000.

Fish roe is not just a food for Japanese people; it is almost a luxury item that makes a dining table more colorful and special just by its presence. Marubeni Seafoods will continue to deliver quality products based on our know-how cultivated in domestic and overseas production areas.


The exceptional taste of our mackerel is due to the careful selection process carried out by Marubeni Seafoods' staff during their visits to Norway. These premium, fatty seasonal mackerel are then carefully processed at our partner factories. As a result, our mackerel products are not only delicious and safe but also nutritionally beneficial.

Marubeni Seafoods' mackerel production begins with our staff traveling to Norway from September to November when the mackerel is considered to be at its most fatty.

The quality of mackerel, in particular, varies from day to day, even in the same fishing grounds and port. There is no guarantee that fish landed at a particular location will always be of high quality. Therefore, during the mackerel landing season, our trained staff spend about two months in the area to carefully select and purchase mackerel.

We supply high-quality mackerel to the Japanese market in various forms. These include fillets and vinegared mackerel carefully processed at our factories in Vietnam and China, where we have a long history of processing and cooperative relationships. Additionally, we offer saikyo zuke and mirin dried mackerel produced at our partner factories in Japan.
Our employees visit our overseas factories once every three months to check for safety and security and to maintain quality.

In recent years, mackerel has gained recognition as a healthy food due to its rich content of vitamin B2, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein, making it an excellent anti-aging option.

Black Cod

In recent years, black cod has gained popularity among affluent consumers worldwide. To ensure a stable supply of premium, fatty black cod, we source directly from major processors in Alaska, where the fish thrive in cold waters.

Black Cod is widely recognized as one of the highest quality marine products. It is very versatile, being used for boiled fish, nabe, salted and grilled fish, saikyo zuke, mirin zuke, and kasuzuke (pickles with sake lees). This species of fish is loved by many people, from children to the elderly. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular among affluent consumers worldwide.

To provide a stable supply of this globally popular fish to Japanese dining tables, we source from two reputable factories in Alaska.

The waters of Alaska are characterized by lower temperatures compared to other regions, resulting in the catch of black cod with high fat content. We maintain the top market share in black cod distribution by focusing on Alaskan black cod and purchasing from factories and vessel owners, enabling us to ensure a stable supply in terms of both quality and quantity.

We collaborate closely with our partner factories in Japan to create products that meet our customers' needs. The quality of our products is exemplified by the fact that Marubeni Seafoods' ingredients are often used in premium products such as "Gindara no Saikyo Zuke" sold at high-end pickled fish restaurants.

Octopus and Squid

Marubeni Seafoods has contracted inspection technicians stationed in Morocco and Mauritania, the primary octopus production regions. Through our ongoing commitment to maintaining strong relationships with these producing regions, we ensure a stable supply of octopus and squid to meet the increasing demand in Europe and beyond.

Octopus is a very popular food worldwide. Marubeni Seafoods has contracted inspection technicians stationed in Morocco and Mauritania, our main production areas, to ensure the production and purchase of high-quality raw materials. Our strength lies in handling the entire distribution process from raw material procurement to final product sales.
Recently, octopus prices have skyrocketed due to increased popularity in Europe. However, we will continue to maintain good relationships with local markets and strive for stable supply, considering catch and market trends in production areas.

In recent years, squid landings in Japan have drastically decreased from a peak of 500,000 tons to less than 100,000 tons, causing prices to soar. Despite this, squid remains a staple in Japanese cuisine. As with octopus, Marubeni Seafoods manages the entire distribution chain and aims to stabilize supply by maintaining strong relationships with both domestic and international production areas.

As part of our commitment to sustainability (SDGs), we handle MSC-certified squid. Although catches can be unstable in some areas, Marubeni Seafoods remains dedicated to this initiative for the future of food security.


Eel is designated as a "priority management product" across the entire Marubeni Group, reflecting its importance in our business strategy. We rigorously maintain safety standards throughout the entire supply chain, from cultivation and processing to shipping and sales, ensuring the highest quality product. Marubeni Seafoods is committed to delivering this traditional Japanese delicacy to your dining table, offering a perfect blend of authentic taste, convenience, and uncompromising safety.

Marubeni Seafoods offers a diverse range of eel products to meet various customer needs. Our lineup includes long kabayaki products from both domestic and imported eels, kushi-kabayaki, liver skewers, shiroyaki, slices, and vacuum-packed options. We also provide long kabayaki eel prepared in different styles, such as back-split and belly-split, catering to regional preferences.
As one of Japan's top eel distributors in terms of volume, we have built a reputation for quality and reliability over the years.

Eel is designated as one of the Marubeni Group's "Priority Control Products". We exclusively source from farms and factories that comply with and facilitate on-site inspections by our Quality Control Office, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety.

The eel has long been considered a "fish with many mysteries". While significant discoveries about its lifecycle were made in the 2000s near the Mariana Trench, including the capture of two-day-old eel fry (leptocephalus) and the discovery of fertilized eggs, the actual spawning process remains unobserved in the wild.

While eel is traditionally perceived as a luxury item in Japanese cuisine, our goal is to make it more accessible to families and to cultivate an appreciation for its delicious taste among children. We are committed to preserving this culinary tradition while adapting to modern dietary preferences and needs.


At Marubeni Seafoods, our shrimp are not merely traded commodities; they are carefully cultivated under the meticulous technical guidance of our experienced local expatriates. This approach ensures that our shrimp are not only fresh and delicious but also safe and of consistently high quality. Let us share the secrets behind our premium shrimp.

We are committed to the production background and quality of our shrimp raw materials and processed products. Below are some of our branded products.

1) “Kurenai” (Vannamei shrimp from Myanmar)
Superb first-class vannamei prawns with outstanding freshness.
After harvesting, the shrimp is brought to the processing plant in a live state. Live raw materials are processed in a short time to lock in freshness and flavor. One of the characteristics of this product is that when heated, the color of the shrimp becomes vivid, which is hard to believe for Vannamei shrimp, which are generally considered to be light in color. In addition to shrimp with shells, we also purchase peeled shrimp.

2) “MARIO GINZA” (Black Tiger from Indonesia)
Ordinary cultured prawns are cultivated in ponds that have been cleared and fed artificial feed, but on Tarakan Island in North Kalimantan, Indonesia, where we have been working for many years, the cultivation method is left to nature after the baby shrimp have been introduced.
Shrimp are cultivated in ponds near the sea, where they are nourished by nutrients from the seawater that enters the ponds due to the ebb and flow of the tides (extensive aquaculture). Because the shrimp are farmed in an environment close to nature, they have long been highly regarded in the Japanese market, which is strict about quality, as a black tiger with firm flesh and a strong flavor.

3) “PEGASUS” (Natural Black Tiger from India)
Generally, black tigers are farmed, but our “PEGASUS” brand is a natural product we import and sell. Lake Chilika in Orissa, India, where they are caught, is a brackish lake protected under the Ramsar Convention, and no antibiotics or antibacterial agents are used. It is valued for its unique natural shrimp taste.

All of these branded products undergo rigorous quality control measures. Our local representatives provide detailed technical guidance, and regular on-site visits from Japan ensure consistent quality. Additionally, our Quality Control Office conducts regular audits to maintain the highest standards.

While Vannamei shrimp, cultivated in over 10 countries primarily in Southeast Asia, dominate the Japanese market, only a select few production areas can meet the high standards required for fried shrimp, tempura, and sashimi-grade products. Anticipating growing demand for processed shrimp products, Marubeni Seafoods is actively exploring and developing new production areas to ensure a stable and high-quality supply for our customers.

Sushi ingredients

Marubeni Seafoods proudly holds one of the industry's leading market shares in sushi ingredients. Our success is built on our commitment to excellence:

  1. Premium Ingredient Selection: We meticulously choose ingredients based on superior taste and optimal freshness.
  2. Rigorous Quality Control: Our processing and sales operations adhere to stringent quality control measures, ensuring consistently high standards.
  3. Diverse Product Range: We offer a wide variety of sushi ingredients to meet the diverse needs of our customers, from traditional to innovative options.
  4. Expert Processing: Our skilled team employs advanced techniques to preserve the natural flavors and textures of each ingredient.
  5. Market Responsiveness: We continuously adapt our product lineup to reflect evolving consumer preferences and culinary trends in the sushi market.

Through these efforts, we strive to provide top-quality sushi ingredients that meet the exacting standards of both professional chefs and discerning consumers.

Natural Tiger Prawn

  • Processed at the world's leading raw material handling plant
  • Over 15 years of processing expertise ensures premium quality
  • Rigorous quality control from raw material selection to final processing
  • Sushi-grade products primarily use ship-frozen raw materials for optimal freshness

Live Conger Eel

  • Fresh, fatty conger eel transported from our dedicated port
  • Processed on-demand in a specialized live-fish tank at the factory
  • Cooked within 30-60 minutes of arrival, following traditional Japanese culinary techniques
  • Our boiled conger eel is favored by many renowned sushi restaurants for its superior quality and taste

Sea Urchin

  • Processed without alum* to preserve natural flavor and freshness
  • Our method maintains the sea urchin's shape while avoiding the distinctive odor associated with alum use

*Alum: A substance traditionally used to prevent sea urchins from losing their shape, known for imparting a slightly distinctive odor.

At Marubeni Seafoods, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality sushi ingredients. Our commitment to freshness, traditional techniques, and innovative processing methods ensures that we meet the exacting standards of the most discerning sushi chefs and connoisseurs.

Marubeni Seafoods Corporation
Shibaura Square Building 5F, 4-9-25 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
TEL: 03-3769-0031